Marauders fans cheering at a football game.

THE VISION... has become reality!

In 2015, the University of Mary embarked on a three-phase “Vision 2030 Capital Campaign,” a comprehensive strategic planning initiative unanimously approved by its Board of Trustees. Together with our dedicated community of alumni, current students, faculty, administration, community members, parents, donors, and trustees, we have meticulously crafted a robust strategic plan that not only upholds the mission set forth by our founders, the Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation Monastery, by meeting the needs of the people of this region and beyond but also transforms the campus.

Vision 2030 Phase II: Building Momentum Toward Our $272 Million Goal

After successfully surpassing our Phase I milestone, Phase II is off to a tremendous start. This exciting stage launched with a generous $12 million gift from Harold Hamm and Continental Resources and is moving on a fast-paced trajectory toward our goal of $272 million.

Vision 2030 Phase II

The University of Mary intends to do nothing less than help transform the world by the transformation of lives.

The Four Pillars of Phase II

What We Have Accomplished

Phase I

Phase I was a success! Following the close of Phase 1 in January 2019, we were able to announce that we not only met our goal of $96 million but exceeded it by nearly $5 million. God has truly blessed us! We celebrate the completion of Phase I and look forward eagerly to what Phase II will bring through its four pillars.

Phase II

We are currently in the heart of Phase II and have been overwhelmed with the generosity of those willing to give.

Join Our Mission

If you would like to be part of our life-changing work here at the University of Mary, please contact a member of our Mission Advancement team or give online now!